Inspired by Experience
Californian Ingenuity Meets German Engineering
Life and death inevitably go hand in hand. And yet it is one of the most difficult experiences in our lives.
Experiencing the loss of a beloved horse, which is much more than just an animal - a best friend, a comforter and a family member - can be deeply traumatic. For they are part of our family and their loss hurts just as much as the loss of a human friend or family member.
What is even more painful is when this loss could have been prevented.
Founder Cristiano Estrada had to agonizingly experience this himself when his beloved pet passed away due to an incident. Getting a call that something was wrong with his pet and not having any idea when it started, how it happened or what it could be was as traumatic as looking into its eyes and saying goodbye forever. A feeling of guilt arose when the veterinarian said, “If you had brought her sooner, she would have survived.”
A few months passed by and those same emotions reemerge when a loving horse was having severe episodes of Colic. From that moment on, it became his personal calling to invent a technology that would detect life-threatening abnormalities and alert horse owners and veterinarians early in the stage to prevent from becoming a tragedy.
Together with an international team of engineers, designers and horse professionals across the globe, we have made it our mission to prevent the feeling of grief over an unexpected loss of a beloved horse. Today, we are proud to share Cabasus with all riders, the technology that detect abnormalities in the health of horses at an early stage. Because they are more than just animals, they are part of our family, and we should always protect our family.