Be There
when It Matters
Prevent & Detect
We know that every horse is unique. That's why our system is designed to continuously learn more about your horse. The more your horse wears the Cabasus SmartBoots™, the more solutions they provide.
Early Detection
Colic can Quickly have Devastating Effects.
Cabasus' SmartBoots™ send you notifications on your smartphone and smartwatch as soon as the first signs of a potential colic occur. So you can react immediately.
How the SmartBoots™ can Help with Colic
When your horse is young, it may be under stress from hard training, competitions and schedule changes. Even if you have breeding stock and therefore an increased risk of colic, our system can help you to recognize the first signs of a colic!
Has your horse been in the stall for too long? Has your horse enough turnout? Is your horse eating enough forage and only feeding concentrates as needed? With our system you can track feeding and turnout activity to reduce the risk of colic.
Design the Optimal Recovery Training after an Injury
Early Detection of Lameness Gives your Horse the Best Chance for a Speedy Recovery.
With the Cabasus smartphone app you have a precise insight into the movement patterns of your horse.
* Based on the American Association of Equine Practitioners.
How the SmartBoots™ can Help with Lameness
Prevent primary and secondary lameness, especially if you have a performance horse. Your horse is already lame, but you're not sure how strong it is? Does one leg strain more than the others? Our system can tell and show you the weight distribution for all four legs.
Are you overfeeding your horse and thus increasing the risk of lameness? Track your horse's diet to prevent lameness.
Detailed Record of Condition & Progress
Foaling Support
Never Miss out on the Wonder of Life.
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